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Onboarding: The Workflow Workshop
Onboarding: The Workflow Workshop

Onboarding Series: 4 of 5

Updated over a month ago

Processes live in Dock as either workflows or SmartFlows. Both help streamline, clarify and accelerate frequently used processes in your organization.

Let’s start with workflows. A workflow breaks down complex processes into a templated series of step-by-step tasks.

On the left navigation bar, click the workflow library icon to start your first workflow.

Any clinical event, encounter or touchpoint has a series of tasks, which can be templated with workflows.

Workflows are great for processes like:

  • Patient reminder calls

  • Patient response calls

  • Outbound/inbound referrals

  • Prescription requests

Let’s create a workflow for Healthy Horizons’ new patient onboarding. In your Workflow Library, click the folder for “Standard Workflows.” There you’ll find a workflow template for new patient onboarding.

Click the three dots next to the workflow name, then duplicate the workflow. Now you’ll see the duplicate at the top of your workflow list. Click the workflow’s name to open the drawer and add important information and context.

Now let’s look at Dock’s secret sauce, the SmartFlow™. Our SmartFlows include branching logic with the ability to create more nuanced “if this, then that” scenarios. And for some subscribers, integrations with other systems can kick off SmartFlow automations.

SmartFlows are great for automating processes like:

  • Procedure requests

  • Pre-authorization

  • New patient onboarding

Let’s stick with Healthy Horizons’ new patient onboarding. In your workflow library, click Add SmartFlow, name your process, and click Save.

You’ll see here a blank SmartFlow with the builder tools to add a task or decision tree, and connect a workflow.

Let’s add a decision tree. Drag and drop the decision tree in your SmartFlow, then you’ll see a task above two options and task descriptions.

Enter the name of the task, what each subsequent option should say, and a logical next step for each option in the task description section.

Click the pencil next to any text you’ve entered to open the task drawer. You can add additional details here, like assignees and due date.

Add more details to your SmartFlow by dragging and dropping an additional component from the toolkit, like a task.

Once you name your new task, hover over it, click and hold the blue +, then drag your cursor to anything on your SmartFlow that should be connected to this task.

You can also add additional branches to a decision tree. Click the existing box you’d like to connect to a new branch, then drag and drop a new decision tree from the toolkit.

Enter the options, followed by the next logical step for each in the task description section.

You can also set a time until the next task is due based on the completion of a prior task. Hover over one of the blue options you’ve named to add time until the next task. Then select how long you want between tasks.

You’ll see on your SmartFlow how long you’ve set between tasks.

Note: When you drag and drop a new branch, two options will automatically appear. If you only need one option, like following up on a HIPAA form, you can simply delete the other option by clicking the trash can icon.

What if you received the HIPAA form after following up? To close the loop, link the “follow up on HIPAA form” task to the task for emailing the pre-visit questionnaire. Then, the follow up task will automatically be completed each time you receive a HIPAA form after following up.

Dock pro tip: Connect a task in a SmartFlow to an entirely different workflow by dragging and dropping a workflow from your toolkit into your SmartFlow. Click the + to connect a workflow, then you can link that workflow to a task in your SmartFlow.

Now, each time the pre-visit questionnaire is sent, your SmartFlow will automatically kick off the procedure scheduling workflow.

We recommend taking the initial time to set up your primary workflows and SmartFlows to save yourself countless hours down the line. Get inspiration from the Dock Community in our Ed Hub.

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